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How soon after the accident should I call a personal injury lawyer?


We encourage you to contact us as soon as possible so we can file your claim before the California statute of limitations expires. This statute sets how long you have to file a claim depending on the type and cause of your injury.

In addition, whether you know it or not, within moments after your accident, you will also be making decisions that can impact your case. It could be the other driver asking you not to call the police to make a collision report, or perhaps the insurance adjuster asking if he or she can assess the damage to your vehicle, or requesting that you sign a ‘routine form.’ If you decide to deal with a claims adjuster on your own, you should know that he or she has worked on numerous cases to ensure that they pay as little as possible on their claims.

Potential pitfalls, like these, are ever present after an accident and can adversely affect the potential outcome and financial recovery of your claim. When you get us on board immediately, we can help you avoid these pitfalls and prevent insurance companies from taking advantage of you and your trust. Having a personal injury attorney committed to fighting on your side helps ensure that this won’t happen to you. We will keep you well informed and supported throughout the legal process, and ensure your case is handled with care and diligence from the moment your accident or injury occurs.