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$1.95 Million Bus Accident

Merced school bus hits and runs over young girl walking to school – $1,950,000

Early one autumn morning, a bus driver deviated from his assigned route in an attempt to pass a slow-moving street sweeper. As he made a left-hand turn along his improvised route, he failed to see our client crossing the street, and hit her from the side.

Our young client, who had been walking to school, was struck by the driver, launched down the roadway, then run over by the Merced City School District bus.

Our client suffered a fractured pelvis that healed incorrectly, leaving her with one leg shorter than the other. In addition to road rash to her genitals that left her labia misshapen, she also underwent several procedures and surgeries related to her injuries.

Dunnion Law worked diligently to protect her interests, and found that only six months earlier, the bus driver had had another on-the-job, school bus accident. Sparing no expense to fight for our client, a team of experts were brought onto the case. Their expertise in the fields of accident reconstruction, biomechanics, orthopedics, and gynecology helped prove the defendants’ liability, as well as the extent, and long-term impact of our client’s damages. The result was a $1,950,000 settlement for this young girl.