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Driving in Bad Weather Conditions

Just because you have somewhere important to be doesn’t mean the weather is going to cooperate. Driving in adverse weather conditions may be an unavoidable part of your life, so you need to know how to do it properly. Your ability to see is most hindered which could have disastrous results if you’re not careful. Here, we will take a look at some tips for driving in adverse weather conditions.


The weather won’t adjust to you, so you must learn to adjust to the weather. If your visibility is limited, the first thing you need to do is slow down. With reduced sight, you will have a smaller window to react if anything goes wrong. A variety of adverse conditions can reduce visibility like rain, fog, ice, snow and dust.

Keep an eye on your windows. If your windshield is covered with ice, frost, dew or even hasn’t been cleaned in awhile, you could experience blinding light reflections from the sun or people’s headlights and taillights. Snow and mud can also collect on your headlights and taillights which greatly limit the effectiveness of your lights. If it comes down to it, pull over and clean the mess off your lights and windows to ensure maximum visibility when driving.


You might not think of a bright sunny day as being an adverse weather condition, but sun glare can be brutal in some situations. Driving directly towards the sun during sunrise or sunset can be virtually blinding. Even during the middle of the day, you can get sun glare from windows or chrome trims on other vehicles. Most cars have a compartment to store sunglasses, so make sure you have a pair ready just in case and don’t hesitate to pull down your sun visor.

Hot weather may not reduce your visibility, but it can affect the way your car functions. Watch your engine temperature gauge as your engine will get hotter faster in hot weather. If the needle begins to approach the red zone, turn the heat on in your car. While it may be uncomfortable, it will siphon heat away from your engine. If that doesn’t work, pull over and turn your car off. If the temperature is still too hot after 20 minutes, get it to a mechanic immediately.


If rain begins while you’re driving, you need to reduce your speed immediately. Road surfaces are most slippery at this time because the oil and dust hasn’t been washed away yet and are instead compounding with rainwater. Make sure your low beam headlights are on. If the rain is heavy enough, you may not be able to see anything. When that happens, the only safe thing you can do is pull over and wait for it to stop.

Fog can be the most dangerous condition of all. Visibility can easily be reduced to practically zero. Use your headlights, but stick to low beam lights because your high beams can make it even more difficult to see as the intense light bounces back causing a glare. Remember to go slow even in patchy fog as conditions can worsen faster than you might think.


When you encounter snow, be wary of slush. Snow itself can reduce traction, but when snow begins to melt, it turns to slush which makes driving even more difficult. Avoid quick turns, sudden stops, and make sure you keep a generous space cushion between you and the car in front of you. Don’t forget to clear snow and ice from your windshield before you start driving.

If the snow is particularly heavy, you may need tire chains. Make sure you know how to apply them before you actually need them. Practice your slow starts and stops too as these skills come in handy when your traction is limited.


Even if you prepare for driving in adverse weather conditions, unfortunately, you could still get in an accident. If that happens, make sure you contact a reliable personal defense lawyer. The attorneys at the Dunnion Law Firm can help your case. We’ve spent decades gaining experience from helping victims with countless cases. Contact us online or call (800) U-NEED-US for your free consultation today!